Alarm Notification via Email and SMS
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With the proliferation of Smart-Phones and Facility owners, Operators and Maintenance teams being in constant touch through various Web Enables devices, the ELSS Intelligent Portal embraces this and we see the foresee using Email as notification being the "Norm" as we evolve. That said, we still hold traditional tried and tested methods close to our ideology, this is why we have developed the ELSS Intelligent Portal SMS feature using the net to actually generate SMS to any GSM Phone. With a combination of both Email and SMS notification, rest assured that responsible personnel will be in constant touch with the Systems.
Water Quality Data
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Any of the Water Quality Data for exhibits can be collected, either automatically or manually entered. Most Aquarium's now have Parameters such as Temperature, ORP (Redox), pH etc measured electronically, this Data can be gathered and displayed as Graphs and Trends. However, numerous other Water Quality Data such as Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Salinity etc are for the most part measured manually and then recorded into Spreadsheets and suchlike. The ELSS Intelligent Portal accepts this manual entry, converts and then displays as Trends and Graphs, making it very easy for operators and Lab technicians to spot abnormalities at a glance, without the need to thumb through countless pages of readings in numerical format.
Equipment Status
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Outside of System Alarms, other actions and events can lead to the unthinkable happening. Things such as a critical Pump being accidently switched off may not be an Alarm but could cause other problems. The ELSS Intelligent Portal sends out notifications every time a piece of LSS Equipment changes status.
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Preventative maintenance is imperative is both prolonging the lifespan of your Systems and reducing the need for knee-jerk reactions to maintenance issues as and when they inevitably happen. With the ELSS Intelligent Portal MRT (Maintenance Recording Tool,) all historical servicing records are easily viewed. This makes scheduling for items such as the servicing of the Mechanical Seals on a Pump seamless.
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Throughout the years in the Engineering and Technology industry, Gauges have played a pivotal role. They provide at a glance a very clear illustration of "good or not so good!"
From Fuel Gauges in Automobiles to Pressure Gauges on Sand Filters, Operators and End Users relay on this simply, but effective technology. Although futuristic in our Engineering approach, we still strive to make our Platform user friendly, and highlight potential problems in very easy to identify way.
Power Monitoring
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In an age where we try to make our Life Support Systems as energy efficient as possible, we see the ability to be able to quantify power usage as an extremely useful tool in the box. From small facilities, where management may want to monitor costs per exhibit in relation to visitor experience, through to large intuitions who own and operate Aquariums and Theme Parks globally who may find the thought of easily comparing costs per site an extremely beneficial feature
Again, the ELSS Intelligent Portal puts all Data in an easy to decipher format under one Platform.
Water Usage
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As with Power, Water costs money. Whether making artificial seawater, or even pumping from the ocean, it has a cost associated with it. The ELSS Intelligent Portal can monitor daily/weekly/monthly usage. This Data can be easily reviewed in conjunction with other information held on the Portal such as, Backwashing events, Nitrate levels etc.
Questions like; are we carrying out too many water changes? Do we really have a Nitrate problem? Having all this critical Data in one easy to view platform helps in painting a very clear accurate picture of what is exactly occurring.
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Tends and Graphs are not unlike Gauges. They provide at a glance an extremely clear picture of the Status of your System as a whole through to analyzing much more finer and in-depth information. The ELSS Intelligent Portal has the ability for operators to run reports, print trends or even save as CSV files. As with Gauges, we like Trends!!